Small is the New Big
I have left my blog for months but I still got people following me on twitter so I feel like it's time for me to start again.
Have been working for a boring job and studying, so there's not much time left for MYSELF per se. Anyway, here I go on some innovative and actually more .. on detailed observations
I kept being told "DETAILS" is essential to be essential to design and I started to realize that it's true. In this globalized world, we tend to take things for granted and missed the minor stuff that is happening around us...
If you have time, you should watch this TED video, IDEO has always been a loved company in my perspective and I would like to share them with you. (life is not just about fashion, you can always get inspired by other stuffs, to me it's music, gladwell, TED and IDEO)
I'll try to look into the details of fashion and see where I can get inspiration from these, just don't confine yourself I would like, I'm absolutely a fashion victim but my suggestion is be open and explore