We do always have comments about stuff that we ate or bought: I like this, BUT...
I like this cake, but I wish there were more bananas.
I like this dress, but I don't really like this green.
Instead of mass producing one size fits all, now with technology, we can produce one size fits one. By scanning the product, modify it (the more banana, the different green) on CAD or some tools available, print it on a 3D printer. Sounds like a dream, but I would like to give it a try and make it. Without relying on others, but myself. Because no matter how hard you try to explain to the cake maker or tailor, you can never get it quite right due to the lost in translation.
Just watched this one hour video from autodesk which is pretty amazing:
And this is back in 2012... I wonder how it is right now. Will be going to visit autodesk in less than a week, I'm pretty excited about that too.
So most of us are at the red spectrum, in order to be the leader in the industry, one has to start investing at the "impractical" arrow area.
Digital- RIP MIX BURN <music>
This diagram represents sth like car, if you want 2x better performance car, you have got to pay over 4x more (not 2x!) and according to Moore's Law, the price will decrease by half in 18 months, which gives the next two curves.
While for cloud services, and infinite computing, you pay same amount of money for 2x more performance, and with Moore's law, the price decreases in half, see the following diagram for explanation:
Back in 2012, there are already 75+ materials
The last example, demonstrates an automated car, where combines laser scanning, social network etc, and can sense traffic lights, where the old lady is crossing the road etc.
Wonder how it is nowadays already, and when will this becomes practical.. Expected... Required.
Btw, people are already using one's own stem cells to print a kidney :0
5 ways of technology (should be 7)
1. Reality capture (laser scanning)
2. Cloud data (move people to data)
3. Infinite computing (Moore's law)
4. Simulation
5. Digital --> Analog
And the human centred computing