Monday, June 29, 2009

The professional portfolio for non web designers

The professional portfolio for non web designers

So, what if you are an artist, wants a professional online portfolio and doesn't know HTML? No worries, here comes the savior, PROFOLIO! Download here. View the Demo here. I'll try to develop one to show you guys later and comment on it. Most of all, it's FREEEEEEEE.
web design @ hln
Photo from Profolio

Another choice: MySpace
I found out Myspace are opening groups featuring MySpace users as artist. So develop your website on MySpace, if your stuff is nice, then it will get featured. Join the art community on MySpace now. Honestly, the layout of Myspace freaks me out, it's not user-friendly at all for me. So, for details, please refer to CreativeDepart. And I found out that you can submit any interesting news to Creative Depart and get featured too.

Just a wee-bit more. OK back to fashion:
Actually this is a really good MySpace layout. It's called MySpace fashion. (I just added to that community and added it as my friend, I have only like 3 friends on MySpace). I started writing on blogger. Wonder how I can put all my posts into myspace =_=...

PS I bought the pair of Joy & Peace sandals yesterday, Yippie~


  1. WUT?! u did buy tht J&P sandal?! shame on u!!!!!!!!!!

  2. to me it's just like buying h&m

  3. but J&P is 100% copycat on this piece....... H&M is not!!! i buy H&M also... >o<

  4. I dont see any signature/special design in these shoes though. Giuseppe got red heels too, so shame on Giuseppe?

  5. i was a bit upset when i first saw their red leather sole design came out...
